Sonntag, 26. August 2012

[Nail Art] Sunday's Facebook Nail Art Challenge #3

This weeks challenge is: pulsating pink and purple. Love that theme, because pinks and purples are my favourites.
So I decided to use two holos, a pink base and for the stamping a purple one.

Diesen Sonntag lautet das Motto der Sonntagschallenge: pulsierendes Pink und Violett. Perfekt für mich, denn ich habe sehr viele dieser Töne unter meinen Lacken und sie zählen daher zu meinen Favoriten.

I used P2 Base+Care as a base coat and applied two coats Biocura Fliederzauber and one coat of essence BTGN Top Sealer

bright sunlight

Then I used A England Lady of the Lake for the stamping. I used one of Dashica's plates SdP-46

I just finished with one coat of P2 Matte Top Coat:

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